
This site was discovered in 2019 and has had less than 100 divers on it since its discovery. A short tender drive through a mangrove-lined river takes you to the entry point. You backward roll in under a curving rock face and descend down a twisted shaft lined with electric file clams. Swim through a rocky chasm with filled with unique nudibranchs and you start to see the glint of blue light. Ahead the wall opens up and drops down well beyond your line of sight. This is the Abyss … dark blue water, deep purple fans and cruising pelagics are all on display.

📌 Abyss, Western Province, Solomon Islands

📷 Brandon Cole

🐟 Corals

Shannon Leslie Kozak

I help small business owners grow their business on-line! Creative social media strategies, email marketing, branding and website design.


Flatworms & Nudibranchs


Kawanishi H6K Mavis